Advantages of having a Septic Tank in the Home

by | May 11, 2024 | Plumbing, Plumbing Services

Septic tanks are safe systems for the storage and subsequent disposal of faecal waste. Through a simple process of decantation and sedimentation, the solids present in wastewater are eliminated, thus preventing them from contaminating soils or freshwater sources.

If you have a rural property that does not generate large amounts of wastewater and does not have a connection to a sewage system, installing a septic tank may be the perfect solution. 

Are you thinking of a septic tank installation for your house? What exactly does it consist of, and what are its advantages? We tell you below.

How does a septic tank work?

To create a septic tank, a small well must be dug and a tank built inside it into which the wastewater generated in a house, group of homes, public bathrooms, rural school, or any other building that is very far away can drain of a sewer system. There are single-chamber and two-chamber septic tanks, and each one works differently.

Single chamber septic tanks:

Grey wastewater (from kitchens, bathrooms, or laundry rooms) and black wastewater (from latrines or bathrooms) enter through a pipe to the pit, where they settle and settle: they float to the surface or sink to the bottom, forming sludge and sediment. The sediments trapped in the chamber are digested and reduced through anaerobic fermentation, causing the formation of gases, such as carbon dioxide (CO2) and ammonium (NH4).

Two-chamber Septic Tank:

During the settling and sedimentation process in the first chamber, the settled effluents pass to a second chamber. Although these waters are not completely purified, since there are still bacterial germs left, they have gone through a pretreatment process that eliminates an estimated 30% of the carbon pollution. Thanks to this, and under certain specific conditions, it is possible to evacuate the water from the second chamber towards ceramic drains, cesspools, irrigation fields, sand beds, or mini-purification stations that use bacterial filters. However, in many countries, this is prohibited to avoid contamination, bad odours, and other complications.

Advantages of a septic tank

These units are designed to retain sand, grease, sediment materials, and other elements found in the wastewater of rural areas. Installing them is simple and easy, and they do not require electricity, so you won’t have to worry about additional costs. This means that the water in your home will be free of materials, sediments, and waste, as these are deposited in an underground chamber with the capacity to store waste for years. Since these units are installed underground, they won’t pose any obstacles in your home. You just need to ensure that there is a vent for the gases produced after fermentation.

Septic tanks solve water treatment for domestic, commercial, and industrial use. These can be aerobic (with oxygen) or anaerobic (without oxygen), and their construction and design are very careful since, if not treated properly, their residual content could contaminate the water, land, and surroundings of the home, commerce, or industry and give way to diseases such as hepatitis, E. Coli, etc.

If you are wondering, “Where can I find plumbing services near me?” We are the answer! We will help you install a septic tank to prevent the contamination of water, fields, and the environment in general, favoring the care and preservation of the environment.

Speaking of the environment…

Environmental benefits of septic tanks

Waste treatment is important. Most of us don’t give much thought to its treatment, but if we want to protect our environment and ensure its sustainability, we must take responsibility for our waste and ensure that it is treated in the most environmentally friendly way possible.

With a proper Septic Tank Installation, septic tanks work with the soil’s natural filtration process, so wastewater doesn’t need to go through a waste treatment plant, where toxic chemicals (which can harm the environment) are added.

A septic system uses healthy bacteria to break down waste and make it harmless, so there is no chance of environmental contamination. In this section, we present the main benefits of septic tanks:

1. 100% natural process

Septic systems do not use chemicals, unlike other types of systems that use harsh chemicals to treat water. They rely primarily on healthy bacteria to break down waste and clean it.

Furthermore, septic systems use the natural filtration process of the soil to treat the effluent water, and as this process is natural, the soil does not suffer any damage, and consequently, the surrounding plants are not affected and can grow easily.

Another environmental benefit of septic tanks is the greater availability of clean water, which benefits local wildlife. This is because wastewater is treated on-site, naturally replenishing local water tables.

2. No pollution

Septic systems do not use hazardous chemicals, meaning the surrounding environments are kept clean, green, and free of pollution.

Apart from chemicals, pollution can also come in the form of waste that spreads diseases. Diseases that can be spread through contaminated water and soil include hepatitis and dysentery. With this in mind, it is extremely important to contain waste in a quality septic tank and regularly maintain the septic system.

3. More energy efficiency

It takes a lot of energy to pump wastewater to and from treatment plants, and this, in our opinion, is an unnecessary energy waste. On the other hand, septic systems do not require electricity and are, therefore, much kinder to the planet.

How do you optimize the operation of a septic tank?

After a Septic Tank Installation, it is recommended to periodically vacuum accumulated debris. Only half of the solids decompose and disappear, so it is important to calculate the correct size for the septic tank according to the number of people who use it, the amount of liquid that is processed daily, the level of water contamination, and other factors.

Also, you must ensure a minimum depth of one meter in the tank to be sure that silt and foam are adequately separated. You should also add 20 to 50 centimetres of the upper free zone.

Avoid the entry of rainwater, as excess water can harm the active bacteria (microorganisms) inside the pit. Place a ventilation point so that the gases produced by bacterial activity escape.

What is the future of septic tanks?

Although more homes are connected to a sewage system, septic tanks remain a practical solution in countries where water is a limited natural resource or in places where sewage systems have not yet been installed.

The Action Against Hunger Foundation recounted its experience fighting Ebola in Africa and highlighted the importance of having wastewater treatment systems that are economical and quick to install to fight pandemics in the future. Apparently, septic tanks will continue to be a viable option to improve wastewater treatment systems globally.

Final thoughts

Septic tanks guarantee the biological treatment of wastewater. Although there are also disadvantages. For example, if regular cleaning is not carried out, they can generate bad odours.

Guru Plumbing offers you not only Septic tank installation but also water heater and tap installation, indoor and outdoor pipe repair, leak detection, and drain cleaning services. you can contact us, and we will solve your plumbing problems in no time


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